Legacy Math stands for Wealth MInus Taxes Equals Legacy! Our goal with this workbook is to provide a simple framework for New Business Owners to follow in three areas:
As the formula indicates, there are two variables that allow a business owner to create and preserve a lasting legacy
Activate Wealth
Our goal in this areas is to equip business owners with the tools necessary for business structure, revenue and profit generation.
Explore the appropriate ways to set up your business structure for maximum busniess growth for legacy retention.
Slash Taxes
The biggest expense we will ever experience on earth - bessides childcare - is taxes. However, there are so many ways to legally avoid it.
This workbook will cover the areas for businesses to be strategic about to keep more money in your family's bank!
After conquering this workbook, you'll be able to understand the key areas to pinpoint in Legacy Math to retire with easy and leave a multi-generational legacy book!
Legacy Math Readiness Checklist
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